Since we reached a milestone with the OSX version, It is
time to think about the new future updates!
For now, I have the following schedule:
Top priority short term
- - Screenshot button
- - Unify the big and mini version. Allowing swap
- - Megu Accessories Mechanics! Making your megu more stylish!
- - Animated furniture/houses
- - Implement some missing interface buttons (furniture jumping etc)
- - Reclassify megus by size and type
- - Shiny version (alternate color)
- - Autumn items
- - Christmas items
Top priority long term
- - Chromebook version
- - Java version (maybe linked to the chromebook issue).
- - Draw accessories
- - Megu Diary (based on time since last login, the megu will write some notes about what he did during the day)
- - Facebook connection
- - Twitter connection
- - Online mode
- - Petpets. I didn't see them personally but I can check
- - Stray version
- - Minigames (no idea)